
Fire Entry Suit - INGRESS™

We manufacture and supply INGRESS™ Fire Entry Suits in compliance to meet stringent ISO 9001 standards.

Our Fire Entry Suit is a highly insulated suit designed for entry into extreme fires where contact temperatures can reach up to 20000F (10930F). It gives maximum protection from heat and fire

Aluminised Fire Entry Suit is designed for maximum personal fire protection. They can be worn in preparation for possible fire eruption or for stand-by operations should a rescue or evasive action require passage through a fire zone. The suit is highly engineered to support the most extreme conditions with multiple layers of insulation and fully insulated hood, mitts, boots, and soles.

It protects against high radiant heat as high as up to 3000?F (1650°C).

We manufacture and supply INGRESS™ Fire Entry Suits in compliance to meet stringent ISO 9001 standards.